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键盘侠 08年混到总冠军后里弗斯骗吃骗喝16年 雄鹿你也敢要?|湖人|雄鹿队|热火队|道格·里弗斯|波士顿凯尔特人|布雷克·格里芬

发布日期:2025-01-04 11:03    点击次数:100

(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。)新闻链接>>>>>>CNN报道雄鹿已聘请里弗斯担任主教练 CBS记者称还未签约直播吧1月24日讯 据CNN Sports报道,雄鹿已经聘请道格-里弗斯担任球队新任主帅。随后美媒CBS记者报道称,雄鹿与里弗斯尚未达成协议!今天早些时候,雄鹿官宣解雇了主教练阿德里安-格里芬,后者带领雄鹿本赛季取得30胜13负的战绩。[–][MIL] Giannis AntetokounmpoWatered-Down-Omelets 454 points 7 hours agoGOD DONT YOU FUCKING DARE DO THIS TO ME雄鹿球迷:天~~~呐~~~你可千万别他妈这么搞我啊~~~~~[–][CHI] Derrick Rosejeric13xd 4261 points 7 hours ago*HahahahahahahahahThe Doc always finds a way huhh公牛球迷:红红火火恍恍惚惚!!!这老里还真是永远都不愁没饭吃啊喂!!![–]imlikeNEO 3930 points 7 hours agoHE CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS球迷:不能老是让里弗斯逍遥法外啊!!![–]MoooonRiverrrr 1136 points 7 hours agoFr how does he keep doing it im weak lmao球迷:认真的啊~~~他这是第几次了,他是怎么做到的,我想不通啊,哈哈哈~~~[–][PHI] Joel EmbiidrandomnessM 1142 points 7 hours agothere's no way Doc doesn't have blackmail on the League76人球迷:你要是跟我说里弗斯手里没一点联盟的把柄,我是不信的!![–]James Hardenlilshawnyy420 3584 points 7 hours ago*dread itrun from it...glenn rivers arrives all the same哈登球迷:恐惧吧!逃吧!尽管做无畏的挣扎吧!然后绝望地迎接那注定的里弗斯の暗夜降临吧!![–]CelticsLuckysBestMan 947 points 7 hours agoBucks vs Sixers for second round exit mania!凯尔特人球迷:雄鹿和76人的季后赛次轮对决将热度爆表!!!![–]CelticsYankiyayak 394 points 6 hours agoSomehow both will be eliminated凯尔特人球迷:那又怎样,这俩队最后指定是负泣双双把家还啊~~~[–][PHI] Pepe SanchezZeus_Wayne 126 points 6 hours agoI swear to god, losing to Glenn Rivers in the second round would put me over the edge.76人球迷:我对天发誓!! 要是76人在季后赛次轮真输给里弗斯的话,我就不活啦!!![–]76ersBarmelo_Xanthony 23 points 5 hours agoIf that happens and we lose to glenn I would never recover76人球迷:我们要是真的输给里弗斯了,我这辈子都会咽不下这口气的!!![–]Trail BlazersDudethatCooks 24 points 5 hours agoThink you're more likely to have a 1-3 comeback against him开拓者球迷:楼上的多虑了啊!更有可能结局是,76人在1-3落后的情况下,逆转淘汰里弗斯~~~[–]76ersKhal-Stevo 319 points 7 hours agoDoc is objectively a good coach and objectively will never be a great coach. He elevates bad teams and drags down great teams. He really should take a job with a rebuilding team, but he never will. Last two jobs he was hired to bring a team over the hump and never went farther than his predecessors76人球迷:客观的说,里弗斯是一个不错的教练,但也永远成不了一位伟大的教练!他的执教能抬升一支弱队的实力,也会压低一支强队的水平…他真的其实应该去一支重建的球队才合适,不过他可从来都不想去那种地方…他之前的两份主教练工作,都是临危受命帮球队度过混乱时期,但后续他带领球队所取得的成绩,却也从来没有强过球队的前任主帅…[–]Acework23 229 points 7 hours agoyou forgot to mention he lost 4 3-1 leads球迷:楼上的,你怎么能不提他四次在季后赛1-3领先被逆转的事儿呢…[–][OKC] Russell Westbrookwcooper97 2636 points 7 hours agoThis fucking league lmfao雷霆威少球迷:这狗逼联盟傻操作,笑得我满地找牙![–]MagicExpress_Cress_3337 932 points 7 hours agoGetting rid of Budenholzer for his playoff failures only to end up with Doc Rivers, can't make this up.魔术球迷:雄鹿因为季后赛战绩不如意而裁掉了布登霍尔泽,最终换来的却是道格-里弗斯…你有病治病我没意见,但你配药…这药效咋还越配越弱了呢…[–]Knickssyllabic 1125 points 7 hours agoas of 3 minutes ago when griffin was fired?that's quite a quick emergence尼克斯球迷:3分钟前格里芬刚被裁?这会儿里弗斯就要被聘用了?这也太快了一点吧…[–]BullsSenorsty 541 points 7 hours ago*The turnaround on this was so quick that this post will be the way a significant amount of people find out that Griffin was even fired.公牛球迷:这波换帅操作实在太快,以至于晚一些打开直播吧app的吧友们,是在里弗斯的新闻里面,才得知格里芬被裁掉的消息…[–]HeatDionWaiteress 535 points 7 hours agoWhat the fuck are the bucks doing lmfaoo热火球迷:说了这么多,我就想问一句话!雄鹿这他娘的是在搞毛呢?!哈哈哈没把我给笑死!![–]LakersApollo611 437 points 7 hours agoLosing in the 2nd round lmao湖人球迷:雄鹿正式预定“季后赛次轮淘汰”体验券~~~[–]KnicksGoldenBoyRecords 569 points 7 hours agoWhy though? How does Doc always fail up?尼克斯球迷:这是为啥呢?为啥你们总说里弗斯成事不足败事有余呢?[–]76ersTIandCAS 358 points 7 hours agoIt’s cause he always gets teams with ridiculous talent (Lob City, Celtics Superteam, Kawhi and PG, Embiid Sixers) and is a good enough coach in the regular season to lead them to a good record but nothing else, all that talent and not a single team he’s coached has made it to a conference championship since the 4 HOF Celtics76人球迷:因为他之前执教的都是天赋爆表的球队(空接之城版本的快船、超级球队凯尔特人、小卡&乔治、恩比德的76人),而他又是一个能在常规赛带领这些球队取得不错战绩的教练,然后…就没有然后了…自从2008年被凯尔特人四巨头抬着送到总冠军之后,里弗斯所执教的球队,甭管球队天赋有多逆天,他都没有带领其中任何一支冲进过分区决赛….[–][LAL] Pau Gasolthreeangelo 111 points 7 hours ago2008 carrying this man so hard it’s insane湖人球迷:2008年的那个总冠军,让里弗斯后半辈子有吃不完的饭,真是靠北了我…[–]datruerex 19 points 6 hours agoWow that was 16 years ago…such a hard carry球迷:哇靠!这么一说,他已经靠那个总冠军在联盟混吃混喝16年了啊…那总冠军给他的饭碗上得镶了多厚的一层金啊…[–]SunsSitrous1 694 points 7 hours agoFiring a coach who has you 20 games above 500 for doc rivers is a choice太阳球迷:把一个带领球队取得超50%胜率线20胜场的教练裁掉,换来一个里弗斯,这波换血有点东西~~~[–]Heatlopea182 733 points 7 hours ago*Dear lord, I prayed for days like these.热火球迷:谢谢老天爷开眼~~~我做梦都等着这天呢~~~~[–]Heatsmoltanboi 434 points 7 hours agodame may actually kill himself热火球迷:利拉德搞不好要自杀…[–]Heatskj999 92 points 7 hours agoI know he’s probably annoyed as shit by now. It feels like so much random shit has happened to that team since he got there.热火球迷:利拉德现在很可能烦得要死,感觉自从他加盟雄鹿之后,球队已经摊上一堆烂事了…来源:Reddit编译:河浪端